Running across the US: Using DP Concepts to Understand Extraordinary Behavior

Sidman, J. / Published 2011 / Presentation

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Presenter Jacob Sidman, Ph.D.
Date September 24, 2011
Abstract: A young man, Ryan, has chosen to run across the U.S. at a rate of about 30 miles per day from a beach in Santa Cruz, CA, to a beach in Ocean City, MD. While feats of extraordinary behavior often provoke speculation and the desire for oversimplified explanation, the presenter will instead show how a full description of such behavior—using Ossorio’s Paradigm of Intentional Action (PIA), Person Characteristics, Significance, and State of Affairs concepts—will tell a complete enough story. He will also trace his increasing appreciation of the significance of this young man’s extraordinary behavior to “Intentional Action and Empathy: A Descriptive Psychology Approach,” a recent paper by Wynn Schwartz.
1. Kabat-Zinn, J. (1964). Wherever You Go, There You Are. New York City: Hyperion.
2. Mchenry, R. RunforIt.US. Website, 2011.
3. Ossorio,P.G. (2006). The Behavior of Persons. Ann Arbor: Descriptive Psychology Press.
4. Sidman, J. (1968). Empathy and Helping Behavior in College Students. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, Inc.
5. Schwartz, W. (2010). Draft of a paper subsequently published as: Schwartz, W. (2013). The parameters of empathy: Core considerations for psychotherapy and supervision. In K.E. Davis, R.M. Bergner, F. Lubuguin, & W. Schwartz, (Eds.), Advances in Descriptive Psychology: Vol.10 (pp. 197-212). Ann Arbor, MI: Descriptive Psychology Press.