Knowing the world

Roberts, M.K. / Published 2013 / Article

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Citation: Roberts, M.K. (2013). Knowing the world. In K.E. Davis, R.M. Bergner, F. Lubuguin, & W. Schwartz, (Eds.), Advances in Descriptive Psychology: Vol.10, (pp. 37-54). Ann Arbor, MI: Descriptive Psychology Press.

Abstract: How do we know the world? Paradigmatic answers to that question include knowing what God reveals to us through divine illumination, knowing what we discover through scientific observation and evidence, and knowing what it calls for by way of behavior. What is it to be in contact with the world? And how do we know a dream? The answers to those questions depend on the paradigm for knowledge that is taken as fundamental. The use of the behavioral paradigm is illustrated in analyzing dreams by René Descartes and Ludwig Wittgenstein.