Presidential Address: Traversing Surreal Worlds: Using Descriptive Psychology in the clinical treatment of persons with psychotic and delusional thought disorders.

Zeybekoglu, E. / Published 2018 / Presentation

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Presenter Erol Zeybekoglu, Psy.D.
Date September 19, 2019
Abstract: In this presentation, the term ‘Informal Status Assignment’ (ISA) is introduced to describe states of affairs that unceremoniously communicate changes to individual status, or place within a given community. Descriptive Psychology is used examine the concept of ‘spontaneous stratification’ and its impact on symptom presentation and treatment outcomes. This presentation will provide an in-depth review of the Person Characteristic (PC) parameter described by Ossorio and explore empirically grounded methods of representing spontaneous PC appraisals as a basis for informal changes to the structural stratification of a group.
References for this presentation are included in the slides PDF.