Leadership in athletic coaching

Bergner, R.M. / Published 1998 / Article

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Citation: Bergner, R.M. (1998). Leadership in athletic coaching. In H.J. Jeffrey and R.M. Bergner, (Eds.), Advances in Descriptive Psychology, Vol. 7 (pp. 281-300). Ann Arbor, MI: Descriptive Psychology Press.

Abstract: This chapter addresses the question: "What must coaches do, and how must they be, if they are to maximize the probability that their players and assistants will follow them with commitment and dedication?" A comprehensive answer to this question is provided in terms of (a) the creation, communication, and renewal of a meaningful mission; (b) the possession of certain critical personal characteristics by the coach; and (c) the ongoing engagement by the coach in certain actions that create and maintain relationships consistent with followership.