A status dynamic formulation of sex roles: Putting sex roles in their place

Sapin, C.R. & Forward, J.R. / Published 1990 / Article

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Citation: Sapin, C.R. & Forward, J.R. (1990). A status dynamic formulation of sex roles: Putting sex roles in their place. In K.E. Davis, (Ed.), Advances in Descriptive Psychology, Vol. 5 (pp. 215-236). Ann Arbor, MI: Descriptive Psychology Press.

Abstract: One major problem with theories of androgyny as alternatives to traditional sex role approaches is that androgyny is still defined in terms of traditional sex role descriptors. A Status Dynamic approach to sex differences is presented that accounts for both sex-typed and non-sex-typed behavior as an alternative to current efforts to describe non-sex-typed behavior as a mixture of sex-typed behaviors. Several critical distinctions between the concepts of status and role are discussed, and a reformulation of the concept of sex role as part of the more comprehensive concept of status is suggested. Preliminary research is presented which assesses the importance of distinguishing between the Significance and Performance parameters of behavior in appraisals of sex-differences.