Copyright release for ADP vols. 1 – 4

Forums Community News Copyright release for ADP vols. 1 – 4

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  society 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #4412


    We are very pleased to announce that through the generous help of the most recent copyright holder of Advances in Descriptive Psychology Volumes 1-4, and of Keith E. Davis, the principal editor of those volumes, copyright has been returned to authors for papers published in those volumes. The Society plans to post all non-Ossorio chapters to the SDP website. Dr. Ossorio’s chapters will be made available at a later time through links to the Peter G. Ossorio Papers at the University of Colorado Special Collections and Archives. Thanks to Keith Davis, Mary Roberts and Ned Kirsch for their work to make this happen.

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